After the success of the first edition in which participated over 135 students and young professionals from Italy and abroad, Scirocco H, an Italian company specialized in the design and production of heated radiators, officially launched the second edition of the Design Warm Contest: the competition, the first of its kind in Italy, dedicated to finding new talented designers for the design of innovative design radiators and towel warmers.

The initiative, under the patronage of ADI – Associazione per il Disegno Industriale (Industrial Design Association), is open to all Italian and foreign students of age, enrolled in graphic & design universities, academies and school, as well as architects, designers, engineers (who have a VAT number) without any age limit. The big news for this second edition is that the prizes have been doubled, hence becoming among the highest in the landscape of design contests.
Candidates, alone or in a group, divided into the respective categories “students” and “professionals” will have to present, starting from January and no later than March 31st, 2019, a project that contemplates the design of a heated towel rack for domestic use that combines a series of innovative features, both technical and aesthetic ones. In particular, the most original solutions with a focus on the bathroom will be more appreciated.
The winner of each category, selected by a jury made up of the company management and design & architecture experts and journalists, will receive a cash prize of €4,000 for the students category and €10,000 for the professionals category, and – whereas his or her project will be considered valid but above all feasible – it will be put into production with a specific contract that will regulate the economic relationship with the designer. The winners of the contest will be announced in June 2019 in Milan with a special ceremony.
All materials related to the competition can be viewed and downloaded at the website and sent exclusively via e-mail, duly filled out at